Saturday, January 6, 2007

A Place to Call Home

So we're in the process of finding a spot for the 4 of us to live in together finally. After searching and searching it seems as though our prayers have been answered, but I can't be too sure. I don't want to count my eggs before they proverbially hatch.

Again, we're playing at the hotel cafe on the 10th at 8pm and it's 21+. We're also still pulling for those February residencies.

Lastly, I added a demo of 'All Her Crooked Ways' onto today's blog. I recorded this with garageband the day after it was written. I hope you enjoy it.

All Her Crooked Ways (demo version)



Anonymous said...

good luck on finding a 'band house'!

hopefully you guys will make it florida sometime soon. :]

Unknown said...

i agree, come back to south florida!

Anonymous said...

p.s. i feel it only right and proper to clarify that i have never read any of your blogs nor knew of the existence of this blog spot...until you just said anway

Anonymous said...

i hope you guys plan on starting your own reality tv show. four guys under one roof or something like that. just throw in enough alcohol and percussion instruments and hilarity ensues.

Simon Dawes said...

you know dani, that's not a horrible idea. but i would want to script it, and have us all struggle with the acting. i would use Three's Company as a model for the asthetic. the DVD bonus material would have, like, pictures of different lug nuts we had in our pockets during production.

Simon Dawes said...

from blake

Anonymous said...

sounds riviting. One could watch shit like that on loop. Do it. MTV could commision it can call it 'Open Doors on Simon Dawes'

fierce said...

I've been reading since the first post... I hope you guys find a place eventually and that it isn't anything like the real world, where everyone sleeps with eachother. Unless you're into that sort of thing... I also hope you guys make out on the road soon. Portland misses you!

Anonymous said...

i can't really stop reading. and i agree with whoever wanted the reality show. can you imagine the ratings?

oh yes. i can see it now.

Anonymous said...

You guys rock. Come move to Minneapolis and change the world with me. Or at least tour there occasionally...?

I saw you guys in Greenville, SC with The Films--my life hasn't been the same since. :) Thanks for the great music.

Anonymous said...

I read the blog d00ds keep posting.

Anonymous said...

there was a myspace bulletin about commenting you blog, if i read it. and i do on occasion. so i am, hahaha.

yes well i like your blog and music, but im not 21+ or live in CA so, yeah. but i love the tunes!

Hailey k said...

haha a Simon Dawes band fun! So whats with this "looking for residencies" thing?? Near Bend perhaps?? ;) Keep me updated...and Heather keeps asking me when there is going to be another show...let me know...I need my Simon Dawes fix! ;)

Anonymous said...

I'm now an official blog reader...why are eggs used in proverbs? eggs hatched, eggs in baskets etc
Alrighty Hailey?
it's steph from the boards by the way.

Anonymous said...

you should get wylie to look directly at the camera every time he delivers a line to just add to the blatancy of the whole scripting thing. and then maybe he'll flub up, get insanely embarrassed, and jig off-camera. but that wouldn't be on the final cut. we can save that for the dvd's blooper reel.

.. said...

four guys, living together, making music. sound more like the monkees than the real world.

Courtney said...

i'm pretty sure that you guys should let me live with you.